Timothy Doak

Timothy M. Doak currently serves as Vice President of Facilities, Sustainability, and Supply Chain and the Chief Environmental Sustainability Officer for Northern Light Health, Maine’s second largest health system. In this role, Tim provides executive leadership to a diverse group of departments and developed and leads the environmental sustainability program for the organization. He has served in a variety of roles within Northern Light Health over the past decade, most recently as vice president of Capital Planning and Facility Optimization. Prior to his tenure with Northern Light Health, Tim was senior partner and president of a consulting engineering and surveying company in northern Maine for 17 years.

In addition to his undergraduate education, Tim has an MBA from Husson University, and he is a Maine licensed professional engineer and professional land surveyor. He has served in a variety of leadership roles with many local, state, and regional organizations, and currently serves on the Community Resilience Workgroup of the Maine Climate Council, the Sustainability Executive Roundtable of the American Hospital Association, and the U.S. Climate Council of Health Care Without Harm. Tim lives at Brewer Lake in Orrington, Maine with his wife Cheri. Tim and Cheri have two adult daughters.